Overview of Residential Single Family Building Codes for Franklin County, Florida
The minimum heated/cooled living area must be at least 1000 square feet.
The first floor of a multi-story residence must be no less than 1,000 square feet.
The total overall maximum height for any building (from average natural grade) to roof apex or the highest point of the building (or any part of; or attachment or addition to, the building) cannot exceed 47'.
The maximum overall height restriction of 47' must be maintained when Base Flood Level requirements dictate elevating the first floor.
Building setbacks must be a minimum of ten (10) feet from any and all property lines.
Building setback must be a minimum of twenty five (25) feet from the boundary or property line bordering any road or roadway.
A fifty (50) foot buffer (critical habitat zone) is required and exists landward of all waters and wetlands of the state.
All space and areas within fifty (50) feet of state waters and must be retained in their natural state. Vegetation and topography in all such space must be left undisturbed and not changed or altered in any way.
This document was reviewed and updated January 2019 by Michael Billings, licensed REALTOR. Information is deemed accurate and current. Any and all mistakes, oversights, or omissions are unintentional. This document is not an all-inclusive review of building and zoning requirements or limitations and should not be relied upon as such. Franklin County building codes are viewable elsewhere on this website by hyperlink. Prospective buyers should seek the professional advice of a Florida licensed REALTOR and/or an attorney before entering into a Contract for Sale and Purchase of Real Property.